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Vaccination Protocol

At Keesridge, we are advocates for vaccinations, however only what is required to properly protect our dogs. Because of our research and relationship with our veterinarians (both mainstream and holistic), we do ask that our puppy buyers follow our recommended vaccination protocol, as spelled out on this page, and in our contracts. 


Boosters - We recommend a minimal vaccination schedule with our puppies, and our health guarantee is contingent upon our new families following these guidelines. 


First vaccinations (Distemper & Parvovirus or DHPP) will be done for your puppy. Booster to follow anytime after 14 weeks of age. After the puppy series, a 3 year vaccination or titre schedule is recommended. 


Rabies to be separated by at least 3-4 weeks after last set of vaccinations. If possible, vaccination closer to 5 months of age is ideal. 


Leptospirosis: This is a vaccination with a higher than normal incident rate of adverse reactions. Keeshonden, in our experience, react very poorly to this vaccine. There is a history in our lines of severe reactions, including a temporary (10+ hours) paralysis after a Lepto vaccination. It goes back several generations. Unless there is a very serious threat of Lepto in the area, and an identifiable strain that is covered in the vaccine, please do not give any Lepto vaccine to your puppy. If there is a significant risk in your area and you choose to vaccinate, separate from any other vaccine by at least 3-4 weeks.


Note - Lyme Disease: Some of our puppy buyers, and other Keeshond owners have reported stronger than normal, adverse reactions to the Lyme vaccination. Vaccinate at your own risk. 


Titres/titers or a booster shot, are accepted one year after completion of the initial vaccine series (or titre). Once these titres are run, or a booster given, vaccinations should not be re-administered more than once every three (3) years, with the rabies vaccine separated from the others by at least 3 weeks. Our preference is for titres being run every 3 years prior to any re-vaccination, exclusive of the Rabies vaccination, which is required every 3 years by law. This belief is reflected in our Warranty/Guarantee. 


​The life cycle of heartworm is a complicated one and takes months to complete even under the most ideal conditions. It is not a disease that is transmitted from dog to dog. It requires an intermediate host, the mosquito, to help complete its development.  In order for the parasite to establish itself in an area, there are specific conditions that must be met:

1. Types of mosquitoes capable of carrying larval heartworms must be present (there are 30+).

2. The weather must be warm enough for enough days to allow heartworm larval development within the mosquito (a minimum of 14oC/57oF for a number of weeks) to become infective to dogs/cats.

3. There must be infected dogs or coyotes, foxes, wolves, sea lions, ferrets (among others) in the area.

4. There must be vulnerable host dogs in the area.

When these conditions come together, an area becomes endemic for heartworm disease.  This is important as our temperature is the greatest limiting factor for completion of the lifecycle.  A baby heartworm (microfilaria -L1) needs to first be ingested by the right mosquito, then needs to develop into an adolecent heartworm (L3 microfilaria) capable of infecting a dog.  This process takes a few weeks and anytime the environmental temperature drops below 14°C/57°F the lavae in the mosquito dies and no heartworms can be transmitted.





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​So you want a puppy?

Introducing a puppy to your family is one of the biggest decisions you can make. We are here to help you understand all that is involved, and making sure the Keeshond is the right breed for your family, before you get one. 

Spay and Neuter Information

Trust is of paramount importance when placing our puppies. We trust that our families are responsible, and will honour our Non-Breeding agreements and contracts. We are advocates for later spay/neuter.

Vaccination Protocol

We want was is best for our puppies, and that includes helping them stay safe from infectious diseases. It also means being an advocate for vaccinations and treatments that are helpful versus harmful. 

Training Links

Training is a lifelong endeavour with your Keeshond, well past the initial puppy stage. From trick work to obedience to being a polite dog to live with, we offer some tips and links to help you. 

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