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Rally & Obedience

Keesridge's Starlit Skye RI RATN CGC NTD
2018 #1 Novice A - AKC
2018 #2 Intermediate - AKC
2018 #10 Rally Keeshond in America - AKC
Skye and her human, Tracy, have also earned an invitation to Rally Nationals being held in Oklahoma in March - we wish them nothing but the BEST of luck!!!

Can GCH Keesridge Set Fire To Th'Reign RN
was successful in both the conformation rings and Rally rings this year, obtaining her Rally Novice title, and #24 Keeshond in America!

Zivah was the #3 Rally Keeshond in America in 2015! More information on Rally and Obedience to be added.
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